Apartments in Odessa, Ukraine, is the best alternative way of accommodation for visitors, especially in comparison with renting regular guestrooms in hotels, which are usually overpriced and overbooked, since there are not many of them, not enough anyway to cover the increased demand for accommodation in Odessa. Especially for Western tourists, apartments in Odessa are the best choice because they offer what the visitors are accustomed to: state of art service and quality, in very reasonable and affordable prices.
There are numerous advantages in choosing an apartment rather than a hotel in Odessa and that is probably the reason for which only the 30% of the tourists prefer to stay in a hotel, especially during summer or the other high seasons.
The main advantages of the Apartments in Odessa are the low prices and the perfect privacy they offer. This is what most of the visitors depend their decision on, when selecting where to stay in Odessa and what the choice of apartments can offer, meaning privacy, comfort and complete safety is something that they cannot find elsewhere.
All apartments are completely autonomous and give the chance to the guest to be independent and have a homey feeling, as they are all equipped with well appointed conveniences needed during the stay. The apartments offered in Odessa are numerous and range depending on their prices and amenities from economy, to standard and high class .All of them can meet the needs and requirements of the travelers, no matter what their purpose is, leisure or corporate.
The economy class apartment feature all the expected amenities, with bathroom, TV, phone and kitchen equipment, usually set in one room which can easily accommodate up to 2 persons. In most of them you cannot find washing machines but their prices are really low, some 20$ per night. The Standard class apartments have of course the standard comforts, plus a fully equipped kitchen and completely separate lounge, as well as internet access; most of them accommodate 2-4 people. They are priced from 40-80$.
High class apartments are more elegant and stylish and feature all the modern conveniences you can expect in their league, and accommodate 2-6 people. They have separate bedrooms and living room, and their prices range from 90-250$.
When looking for apartment in Odessa, visitors should know that they usually don’t require a minimum stay, and that in most cases they have to pay in advance only one day stay fee, when booking the apartment. Whether they book a high class or standard apartment, there is always a meet and greet with the mangers of the apartments who will make sure that everything is as it should. In some cases there is a complimentary transport to and from the airport. As for the payments, all traditional methods are of course accepting, including cash and credit cards, but most importantly, nowadays there are many features added, such as PayPal and money transfer, especially for the Western visitors who are used to high standards in their business and travelling.
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